
Showing posts from December, 2020

Kids Activity- Send your name to Mars.

 How to send your name to Mars ? Step 1 -Open Below Link Step 2- Fill out below details  (1)First Name, (2)Last Name, (3)Country, (4)Postal code (5)Email Step 3- Click on "SEND MY NAME TO MARS" Button. Your Name will be stored on a micro-chip and this micro-chip is placed on the Rover. Once you have done above 3 steps, then view your "Boarding Pass" by visiting below website and filling out details ( same details you have mentioned in Step 2) Below is my Boarding Pass ! Below is translation of above text in Portuguese by Jessica(Dentist from Brazil,In Rio de Janeiro) Atividade para crianças - Envie seu nome para Marte Como enviar seu nome para Marte? Passo 1 - Abra o link abaixo Passo 2 - Preencha as informações abaixo (1)Nome (2)Sobrenome (3)País (4)Código Postal (5)E-mail Passo 3 - Clique no botão “

Kids Activity - Look for dark plains of Moon

With the help of image below try to spot the different dark plains on the Moon. These dark patches are formed because of volcanic eruption in ancient times. This Activity could be done with / without Binocular /Telescope.   Cropped Image credit-Photo by  Neven Krcmarek  on  Unsplash  . Further Arrows and Names of dark plains are added by Me. Original Image credit-Photo by Neven Krcmarek on Unsplash  . Further Arrows and Names of dark plains are added by Me. Below is translation of above text in Portuguese by Elaine (Teacher from Brazil, In São Paulo) Atividade para crianças - Procure planícies escuras da lua  Com a ajuda da imagem abaixo tente localizar as diferentes planícies escuras da lua.  Essas manchas escuras são formadas por causa da erupção vulcânica nos tempos antigos.  Esta atividade pode ser realizada com / sem binóculo / telescópio. Nota; Cropped Image credit-Photo por Neven Krcmarek no Unsplash.  Mais setas e nomes de planícies escuras são adicionados por mim.

Nebra Sky Disk- Oldest Sky Disk With Celestial Objects

 Nebra Sky Disk is made up of Bronze, it is 30 centimeter wide. Important figures on the disk- 1)Sun or Full Moon (full circle) 2)Crescent Moon (crescent circle) 3)Pleiades Constellation (group of 7 stars - small circles) 4)Other stars (other small circles) 5)2 Golden arcs (at the border of disk) -Angle between Solstices (currently 1 seems to be missing at opposite side) 6)1 Golden arc (thin shape)- Is not yet fully known Credit-By Dbachmann, CC BY-SA 3.0, This disk was found in Mittelberg forest in germany and the disk is though to be from period 1600 - 1560 BCE Activity for School  kids-  Draw the above disk on card board. Fore more information visit below link.

Free Astronomy Courses On Coursera

 Note - Content is free but you may have to pay for certificate. There are many astronomy courses , refer to below link-

Supernova recorded on Ancient Sky Chart.

Important take away from Mayank Vahia Sir and his team's analysis related to carvings on the ancient rock- 1) Half star is Supernova - HB9  2)Hunter with Bow and arrow is located in Orion constellation 3)Hunter with Spear is of  part of Pisces constellation   4)Stag animal is  Taurus constellation 5)Dog animal is Andromeda galaxy   6)Full star is Sun/ Full Moon The Stone carving was found in  Burzahama(kashmir) with  oldest settlements date back to about 4325(+/-115) BCE . Note- Permission has been granted by Mayank Vahia Sir to publish his analysis in this blog If you are interested to get more details refer to below research paper Below is translation of above text in Portuguese by Elaine (Teacher from Brazil, In São Paulo) Supernova registrada no  Mapa Celeste Antigo  Uma lição importante da análise do senhor Mayank Vahia e de sua equipe relacionada às esculturas

Sagitta - Constellation

 Sagitta is lesser know constellation in night sky with dim stars in northern hemisphere sky Image  credit  IAU and Sky & Telescope magazine (Roger Sinnott & Rick Fienberg)  ( Alpha and Beta star ( of 4.38 magnitude) are visible yellow stars. But brightest star is gamma star. It has one interesting object M71 / NGC 6838. It is loose globular cluster visible through binoculars. credit -By en:NASA, en:STScI, en:WikiSky - en:WikiSky's snapshot tool - [1], Public Domain, To know more about the constellation and M71 visit below links- Below is translation of above text in Portuguese by Elaine (Teacher from Brazil, In São Paulo) Constelação Sagitta  Sagitta é uma constelação menos conhecida no céu noturno, com estrelas fracas no céu do hemisfério norte.  As estrelas alfa e bet

Sunspots - Video and Photo - from Gurudev Observatory

Sunspots - Video and Photo - from Gurudev Observatory Key Points from video 1)Magnetic field from Sun is always changing. 2)Sunspot "AR 2786" is 12x( times more) of Earth .   Below is the beautiful video of Sun which shows 3 sunspots. It was recorded by Gurudev Obsevatory on 27th Nov 2020.  Below is the still image of 3 sunspots Note- Credit for Video and image goes to Gurudev Obsevatory. Special Thanks to Divyadarshan D Purohit - Director of Gurudev Obsevatory for giving permission to use the video and upload photo to this blog. Please feel free to visit website of Gurudev Observatory- Below is translation of above text in Portuguese by Elaine (Teacher from Brazil, In São Paulo) Manchas solares - vídeo e foto - do Observatório Gurudev  Pontos principais do vídeo   1) O campo magnético do Sol está sempre mudando.  2) A mancha solar "AR 2786" é 12x (vezes mais) o tamanho da Terra.  Abaixo está o lindo vídeo do Sol que mostra três

Hertzsprung–Russell diagram - Star classification based on its brightness v/s temperature.

 Hertzsprung–Russell diagram is scatter plot based on Star's Luminosity(brightness) v/s Temperature. Image credit- 1)Main Sequence Stars- They burn their hydrogen core and their position depends on their mass. See the diagonal distribution in the diagram. 2)Red & Orange Giants- They are expanding star. They are at the end or final stage of their lives. 3)Red Super Giants- Most massive star swells and becomes Super Giants as they get old. 4)White dwarfs- They are hot star with the faint core. For example when Sun like star will burn out , they would become White dwarf. Below image show some popular Night Sky Star plotted in HR diagram. credit- To know more in detail about HR diagram visit below links Below is translation of above text in Portuguese