Nebra Sky Disk- Oldest Sky Disk With Celestial Objects
Nebra Sky Disk is made up of Bronze, it is 30 centimeter wide.
Important figures on the disk-
1)Sun or Full Moon (full circle)
2)Crescent Moon (crescent circle)
3)Pleiades Constellation (group of 7 stars - small circles)
4)Other stars (other small circles)
5)2 Golden arcs (at the border of disk) -Angle between Solstices (currently 1 seems to be missing at opposite side)
6)1 Golden arc (thin shape)- Is not yet fully known
Credit-By Dbachmann, CC BY-SA 3.0,
This disk was found in Mittelberg forest in germany and the disk is though to be from period 1600 - 1560 BCE
Activity for School kids- Draw the above disk on card board.
Fore more information visit below link.
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