Python code to fetch Eta Carinae nebula FITS image and Display
In Astronomy, there will be needs to extract Images from FITS format file for further analysis or research, Below is the Two steps code for "getting image link" and "fetching & displaying image from the link" The code uses python libraries such as PYVO, Astropy, Matplotlib STEP 1-excute below code to get url of the astronomical object import pyvo as vo from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord from astropy.units import Quantity pos = SkyCoord.from_name('Eta Carina') #Eta Carina Nebula size = Quantity(0.5, unit="deg") sia_service = vo.dal.SIAService("") sia_results =, size=size) sia_results -------------- its will list all FITS format image from online repository------------ <Table length=8> accref ...