About - Betelgeuse Star

 Betelgeuse Star ( also called Alpha Orion) is the 10th brightest star in the night sky.

Looks reddish in color and magnitude varies from +0.0 to +1.6.

                                                    Image credit:NASA
Easy to spot - locate Orion constellation and try to locate Reddish color Star. In this image it appears in top left.

To see the changes in magnitude over past decade(from 1911 to 2001) refer to below image-

image credit and link - https://www.aavso.org/sites/default/files/images/LTbetelgeuse.jpg

Below is translation of above text in Portuguese by Elaine (Teacher from Brazil,In São Paulo)

Sobre  a Estrela Betelgeuse
 A estrela Betelgeuse (também chamada de Alpha Orion) é a décima estrela mais brilhante do céu noturno.
 Parece avermelhado na cor e a magnitude varia de +0,0 a +1,6

 crédito da imagem e link - https://www.aavso.org/sites/default/files/images/LTbetelgeuse.jpg


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