
Showing posts from November, 2020

Canes Venatici - Constellation

 An interest constellation in northern sky. It has distinct 2 stars. The several other stars has more than 4.5 magnitude. Image credit-By IAU and Sky & Telescope magazine (Roger Sinnott & Rick Fienberg) - [1], CC BY 3.0, The interesting objects in this constellation are Alpha Star(Cor Caroli)  is binary Start system with with visible magnitude of 2.8 and 5.6.  Could be seen through Binoculars or telescope. M3 is Globular Cluster(6.2 magnitude)   It contains 274 known variable Stars. Image Credits-By ESA/Hubble, CC BY 4.0, M51 is Whirlpool Galaxy ( interacting grand-design spiral galaxy) with a Seyfert 2( active galactic nucleus). It has 8.4 magnitude.  Below is  Whirlpool Galaxy invarious lights – Observed in Various Light a) 0.4; 0.7 μm – b) vis-blue/green; ir-red – c) 3.6; 4.5; 8 μm – d) 24 μm Image Credit -By NASA/JPL-Caltech - https://photojournal.jpl.n

iTelescope ,Commercial Telescope, for Independent Research/Usage etc.

 If you are interested to use Professional Telescopes(remotely-over the internet), There is another way, you may you one or several telescope for Science, Research, Astro -photography. This telescope would be in  advantage, when you are interested in carrying out independent research etc. But this comes at price/cost. To check the pricing and telescope details refer to below site. Below is translation of above text in Portuguese by Jéssica (Dentist from Brazil, Rio de Janeiro) iTelescópio, telescópio comercial, para pesquisas e usos independentes  Se você está interessado no uso de telescópios profissionais (de uso remoto), há outra maneira, você pode usar um ou vários telescópios para uso científico, pesquisa ou astrofotografia. Esse telescópio é vantajoso se você está interessado em realizar uma pesquisa independente, etc. Mas isso tem um preço. Para verificar os preços e informações sobre o telescópio consulte o site abaixo:

Stonehenge - An Archeoastronomy Interest Site

 Stonehenge is prehistoric Archeoastronomy Site. Image Credit & Source: Self Lot of research is going on in decoding the the alignment of Stone with respect to Sun , Moon and the Seasons.  If you are interested more to know about this ancient site then go through the below reference links. Reference links- Below is translation of above text in Portuguese by Elaine (Teacher from Brazil, In São Paulo) Stonehenge é um sítio de arqueoastronomia pré-histórico. Muitas pesquisas estão sendo feitas para decodificar o alinhamento da Pedra em relação ao Sol, à Lua e às Estações.  Se você estiver interessado em saber mais sobre este site antigo, vá até os links de referência abaixo. Links de referência-  http://www.stonehengeandavebu

Hyperion - Saturn's Strange Moon

The shape of the moon is irregular and looks much like a potato shape. Possibly it is thought to be a remnant of a larger moon that was destroyed by a major impact. Image Credit Source-Nasa. Enjoyed 3D model view of Hyperion by turning the object. Below is translation of above text in Portuguese by Taynna(medical student from Brazil) A forma da lua é irregular e parece a forma de uma batata. Possivelmente pensa-se assim por ser um pedaço remanescente de uma lua maior que foi destruída por um impacto grande.  Créditos da imagem Source-Nasa Aprecie o modelo de visão 3D . Thanks Taynna 😊 

About - Betelgeuse Star

 Betelgeuse Star ( also called Alpha Orion) is the 10th brightest star in the night sky. Looks reddish in color and magnitude varies from +0.0 to +1.6.                                                                  Image credit:NASA Easy to spot - locate Orion constellation and try to locate Reddish color Star. In this image it appears in top left. To see the changes in magnitude over past decade(from 1911 to 2001) refer to below image- image credit and link - Below is translation of above text in Portuguese by Elaine (Teacher from Brazil, In São Paulo) Sobre  a Estrela Betelgeuse    A estrela Betelgeuse (também chamada de Alpha Orion) é a décima estrela mais brilhante do céu noturno.  Parece avermelhado na cor e a magnitude varia de +0,0 a +1,6  crédito da imagem e link -

Radio Meteor Zoo - An interesting Project

This is very interesting citizen science project for those who want to interested to identify radio meteor from the radio spectogram. Refer to the link to know more Below is translation of above text in Portuguese by Elaine (Teacher from Brazil, In São Paulo) Radio Zoo Metoro - Um projeto interessante Este é um projeto de ciência cidadã muito interessante para aqueles que desejam se interessar em identificar meteoros de rádio a partir do espectograma de rádio.  Consulte o link para saber mais,  

Lunar/ Moon libration - An interesting Topic !

We all know we see one side of the moon due to its same rotation and revolution period. In general sense far side of the moon is not possible unless there is rover or satellite to take the photos. Lunar libration at its longitude happens happens when Moon's rotation sometimes leads and sometimes lags its orbital position, it can reach to 7°54′ in amplitude.   Lunar libration at its latitude happens because of slight inclination (about 6.7°) between the Moon's axis of rotation and the normal to the plane of its orbit around Earth.   Diurnal libration is a small daily oscillation due to Earth's rotation, which carries an observer first to one side and then to the other side of the straight line joining Earth's and the Moon's centers, allowing the observer to look first around one side of the Moon and then around the other.  Overall this give opportunity to see more surface of a moon at different times. So instead of 50 % we are able to see (over the time) 59% of