Dumbbell Nebula - Image taken using Robotic Controlled Telescope

Dumbbell Nebula - Image using Robotic Controlled Telescope from MicroObsevatory.

Originally in FITS format, further processed in JS9-4L online software

Technical Details of the Telescope-

SIMPLE  =                    T / Conforms to FITS Standard                      
BITPIX  =                   16 / 16 Bits per pixel                              
NAXIS   =                    2 / Table is a two-dimensional matrix              
NAXIS1  =                  650 / Width of table row in bytes                    
NAXIS2  =                  500 / Number of rows in table                        
EQUINOX = 2000.0 / Epoch of celestial coordinate system used                    
FILENAME= 'DumbbellNebu201018001455.FIT' / FILENAME + MMddyyHHmmss(GMT)         
DATE-OBS= '2020-10-17T20:14:55.740-0400' / Start date & time of observation, LT 
DATE-END= '2020-10-17T20:15:57.808-0400' / End date & time of observation, LT   
LST-OBS = '17:17:33' / Local mean sidereal time at start of observation         
UT-OBS  = '2020-10-18T00:14:55.740-0000' / Universal Time at start of obs.      
MJD-OBS = 59140.010 / Modified Julian Date (MJD) at start of observation        
OBJECT  = 'Dumbbell Nebula' / Name of object observed                           
EXPTIME = 060.00 / Exposure time in Seconds                                     
RA      = 300.115742 / 20:00.46 Right Ascension                                 
HA      =  19.434046 / 01:17.74 Hour Angle                                      
DEC     =  22.771904 / +22:46.31 Declination                                    
TELALT  = +64.582 / Altitude                                                    
TELAZ   = 225.624 / Azimuth                                                     
OBS-MODE= 'Interactive' / Operation mode                                        
INSTRUME= 'Main    ' / Camera selected                                          
CAMPOS  = 'none    ' / Center of main camera in finder camera                   
FILTER  = 'Red     ' / Filter chosen                                            
CAMFOCUS= '1725    ' / Main camera focus value                                  
CAMSTAT = 'Out     ' / Camera status:(Main zoom: In/Out)or(Finder res: High/Low)
IM_SCALE= 5.180 / Image scale in arc-secs/pixel                                 
TEL-TRAC= 'Sidereal' / Tracking rate                                            
CAMTEMP = 270.0 / CCD Camera Temperature in Kelvin, =-1 if no data              
TELTEMP = 284.0 / Ambient Telescope Temperature in Kelvin, =-1 if no data       
TELHUM  = 02 / Relative Humidity as a Percentage, =-1 if no data                
WEATHER = 100 / Clear sky conditions: 0-100 = poor to excellent, =-1 if no data 
TELESCOP= 'Ben     ' / Telescope name                                           
LATITUDE= 42.38 / Local latitude                                                
LONGITUD= 71.13 / Local longitude                                               
OBSERVAT= 'Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics' / Observatory name      
OBSERVER= 'moguest' / Username                                                  
OBSID   = 'moguest-10/17-09:30:33g' / Reference number - username-MM/dd-HH:mm:ss
COMMENT   This image was taken automatically. / Mode of image request           
CREATOR = 'MicroObservatory2014-05-23' / Version of current FITS document       
ORIGIN  = 'Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics' / Orig name of inst.    
REFERENC= 'http://www.microobservatory.org' / Bibliographic reference site      
CITY    = 'Cambridge' / City where telescope is located                         
STATE   = 'MA' / State where telescope is located                               
COUNTRY = 'USA' / Country where telescope is located                            


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