
Showing posts from September, 2024

Spica star - Single Source Search - ARI's Gaia Services

 example of Single Source Search - using ARI's Gaia Services For demonstration we will use Star - Spica  ( in Virgo Constellation). This star is also called as "Alpha Vir". Open the website - In the search box  Object name type  "Alpha Vir" and press enter button Below are the results(Image, Table information, Wavelength v/s Flux graph) 1)Image- Used Layer icon to select different type and style of images. In this case default image is "DSS colored" Base image layer and "Native" is Color map. Use these two features Base image layer & Color map to select different images(by different cameras and color filters) 2)Table- Provides various astronomical information such as location, motion, magnitude and more.Below is partial view of table 3)Wavelength v/s Flux graph One can use this information to understand object in details, knows its features and use it in there astronomy projects/acti