
Showing posts from April, 2021

Star Naming Conventions

 You must have observed that some stars are referred to as by different Names, Greek Alphabets and Numbers. When you are referring to Star chats/Atlas/Maps with limited stars, you shall often notice that the most brightest star will have name as "Alpha"(Greek- letter) followed by second brighter star "Beta" and so on. But in some cases "Beta" or "Gamma" may be brightest star. In modern times the telescopes are powerful and allows you to see greater magnitude stars( greater the magnitude -the dimmer the star). This had led to the necessity to come up with innovative star naming conventions because Greek alphabets are limited and most of constellation will have more than 20 or 30 stars. In the modern Star[Apps ,Software, Catalogue] Maps/Charts/Atlas - the star naming convention follow below rules 1)Star would be named by the Number such as 1,2,3,4,....99 2)Number would be allocated in such away that it will start from West to East of the constellat